Thesis project for my final semester in the BFA design program at at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM).
The MAP Planner was the product of a group collaboration between Kelli Ann (Harada) Borgonia, Gwendolyn Woltz, Ben Viwatmanitsakul and myself under the art direction/supervision of our professor, Anne Bush.
Campaign Coordinator of the Mānoa Alcohol Project, Pedro Haro, approached our professor for a designed solution that would promote their cause and address the issue of high-risk and underage drinking among freshmen in the residence halls. We concluded that a student planner would be the best tool. We found that a student planner would be the best avenue to reach out to students. Each week of the book contained an alcohol-related fact or statistic and also included graduation requirements, campus guides, and alcohol information.
In Fall 2008, MAP distributed the planner to UH students.